... | ... | @@ -108,9 +108,25 @@ https://portal.robotsindeklas.nl/API/v1/app/link |
- **app** - *string*: the object id of the app we want to link;
- **send** - *array\<string\>*: list of robot ids we want to link this app with; // TODO why list?
- **rid** - *string*: the robot id we want to link this app with;
- **link** - *boolean*: link (true) or de-link (false).
### List
Get a list of apps the user has access to.
- **filter** - *dictionary*: a dictionary containing the following keys to further define the search parameters:
- **search** - *string* - (optional, default: ""): search in the description and the name for a specific keyword;
- **sort** - *string* - (optional, default: ""): sort the result based on `name` (the name of the app), `edit` (last edit date) or `create` (creation date);
- **owner** - *string* - (optional, default: "user"): o `user` `shared`
- **folder** - *string* - (optional, default: ""): only search through a specific folder using the id of the folder;
- **limit** - *integer* - (optional, default: 0): limit the number of returned results;
- **row** - *integer* - (optional, default: 0): if a limit is applied, scroll through the results with defining the starting row.
## Response
If the request was successful, you will receive the following response:
... | ... | |